In study groups share 3 projects from your portfolio or IMA, and 3
inspirational projects that somehow relate to your work.
Post your in-class possible design exercises to your thesis journal.
SLIDE DECK shared with my group (Fangling and Chumou)
The deck contains references to some of my work and work that inspires me.
A record of our zoom meeting can be accessed here:
Date: Jan 29, 2022 06:56 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: AukMq6W%
From our meeting and sharing work, we discovered areas of common interest:
- the idea of illusion - creating an illusion or mirage for the audience/participant
- the concept of fantasy - transporting the audience/participant into another dimension that includes elements of nature
- the idea that someone will walk away from the experience having transcended reality for that moment.
- creating art that disrupts the daily grind or disrupts thought patterns to discover something new whether that is through architectural spaces, performances, or media.
- Clouds - Chumou is thinking about clouds from a design and installation perspective, and I referenced my Critical Experience project 1 on Cloud Seeding as something that I might like to develop.
Thesis Topic Ideas and possible questions derived from the Life Design Session - in no particular order -
- Satellites- Connecting the world, predicting the future, and polluting space - a tool driving power and control in society. (Sky Charts) How might I make an experiential space that creates a replica of satellite locations in a story-driven world that acts like a MAZE where the clues are information and present choices to be made...? The concept might be somewhat derivative of this Surveillance piece by Ai Weiwei installed at the NYC Armory called **Hansel & Gretel. Other Satellite imagery resources:**
USGS has global imagery.
- Cloud Seeding - a project started in Critical Experiences that could become an interactive installation. Cloud Seeding and its origins —> making your own rain dance - an interactive experience and cultural narrative embracing customs and folklore connected to “Making it Rain” (Scholar reference - & Jim Fleming - author of Fixing the Sky: The Checkered History of Weather and Climate Control*)*
- Dogs - The domestication syndrome in the age of Covid (reference article)
- Translation - working with an interpreter - What are the dynamics for both the user and the receiver when communicating through an interpreter? What is the interpreter’s role? What happens when those lines are crossed?
- Slapstick as a genre - How is slapstick experienced between cultures and genders? What’s funny and what tips the scale when something is not funny?
- Holograms- Creating an alter ego - What is my/our relationship to holograms?
- The Jewish migration from Russia to China at the turn of the 20th century and prior to WWII - This is partly a dive into my own ancestral background.
- Language acquisition after age 40
- Public Forum debate as a game and film in a 3D landscape or other participatory space